Recording from Still Waters 2023.
Right-click to download: Sing Talk by Steve Howat, Pilgrims in the Wilderness
Recording from Still Waters 2023.
Right-click to download: Sing Talk by Steve Howat, Pilgrims in the Wilderness
Recording from Lassen Pines 1994.
Right-click to download: Address by Doug Buchanan, God’s Counsels & Purposes #3: The Kingdom of Heaven
Recording from Lassen Pines 1997.
Right-click to download: Address by Dave Spence, Discipleship #2: A Threefold Cord for the Heart
Recording from Lassen Pines 2000.
Right-click to download: Address by Bob Thonney, The Word of God vs. The New Age #1
Recording from Lassen Pines 2002.
Right-click to download: Address by Dave Spence, Herein Is Love
Recording from Lassen Pines 2005.
Right-click to download: Address by Bob Thonney, Individual Faithfulness #3: 2 Timothy 2 continued
Recording from Lassen Pines 2007.
Right-click to download: Address by Eric James, Principles for the Present Testimony
Recording from Morning Star 2018.
Right-click to download: Talk by Bill Prost, Choices & Habits #3: The Way Habits Work
Recording from Michigan Camp 2018.
On the leading of Spirit in the assembly meetings:
Right-click to download: 1st Q&A, Session #1
Recording from Lassen Pines 1982.
Right-click to download: Address by Clarence Lunden, Talks On The Parables #1